We all know the astounding statistics of how much plastic exists in the environment and more specifically OUR ocean. A very quick google search reveals some pretty scary ones – that in the LA area alone, 10 metric tons of plastic are carried into the ocean every single day. Enough plastic is thrown away each year to circle the earth four times. Plastic now makes up about 40% of the world’s oceans surfaces (the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twice the size of Texas!). If that wasn’t enough, some compounds in plastic have been found to affect hormones and have other potentially negative effects on health. The world has produced 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic with 6.3 billion metric tons becoming waste, OMG moment, right?
Only 9% has been recycled to date, the rest has gone to landfill, or become environmental waste found in places like our ocean. It takes approximately 500 years for plastic naturally decompose, that means the plastic we use today will still be here 6 full generations later.
That being said, I am not writing this as a scare tactic. I see reducing plastic as a major win-win and a great motivator to save money and live a healthier life. I am far from being absolutely 100% plastic free, but I know that greatly reducing my plastic use in any way shape or form will have huge collective affects.
Here are a few easy wins you can do to help, play your part and ultimately live a healthier life style.
Use reusable shopping bags like our organic tote bag
Bulk buy spices, dry goods, washing powder etc and store in glass jars or plastic free containers.
Don’t buy plastic bottled water, grab a BPA free reusable bottle and start refilling today. Here are a few of our favs.
Buy second hand, minimalism will shape our future so jump on board now.
Buy plastic free products, take the high road and support companies doing the right thing.
Reusable coffee mugs, this is an easy one and a win win carrying a cool cup around.
Say no to all the little plastic bits in our takeaway foods like straws, the little plastic “table” in the middle of the pizza box.
The best one yet, instead of keeping containers of ice cream in the freezer, try enjoying the occasional ice cream while you are out. This supports small businesses, tag on a walk and its great for the health.
Above all any chance you have to avoid plastic do it, good for the planet and good for your conscious.
None of this should scare you, we are strong, we are driven and we are smart but we all need to play our part. Minimalism is all about living with less. This includes less financial burdens such as debt and unnecessary expenses. ... For many minimalists, the philosophy is about getting rid of excess stuff and living life based on experiences rather than worldly possessions. So here are a few ways to get you started.
Simple Ways to Start Living a More Minimal Lifestyle
Give yourself a clear, personal goal (and a timeline) ...
Decide how your home/life can help you live a more minimalist lifestyle.
Declutter. ...
Train yourself to live with less, consider the impact of every purchase. ...
Ask yourself “do I really need this?” ...
Be a re-user, upcycle. ...
Invest in high-quality items and make sure to hand these down when you are done.